Cloud Storage Vs. Cloud Object Storage

July 13, 2021

Cloud Storage Vs. Cloud Object Storage: A Comprehensive Comparison

As businesses shift towards a cloud-based approach, storage remains a primary concern. Cloud storage and cloud object storage are two commonly used storage services that seem similar but have a few underlying differences.

In this article, we'll compare cloud storage vs. cloud object storage and present their pros and cons for better clarity.

What is Cloud Storage?

Cloud storage is a service where a service provider hosts user data on its own infrastructure. The user can access this data through the internet from any device. This service can be availed on a subscription or pay-per-use basis.

Some benefits of cloud storage are:

  • Scalability
  • Easy accessibility
  • Cost-efficiency
  • Automatic backup and recovery
  • Collaboration

However, cloud storage has some drawbacks, such as:

  • Limited control
  • Network dependency
  • Security risks

What is Cloud Object Storage?

Cloud object storage, also known as object-based storage, is a type of cloud storage that stores data as objects rather than in a hierarchical file system. These objects include data, metadata, and a unique identifier, expanding the data's potential uses.

Some benefits of cloud object storage include:

  • Unlimited scalability
  • Better performance
  • Better metadata management
  • Easier data backup and recovery
  • Cost-effective for large amounts of data

However, cloud object storage has some drawbacks, such as:

  • Not suitable for smaller data sets
  • Higher latency than cloud storage for smaller files

Comparison: Cloud Storage Vs. Cloud Object Storage

Comparison Criteria Cloud Storage Cloud Object Storage
Data organization Hierarchical file system Objects with unique identifiers
Cost Pay-per-use or subscription Cost-effective for larger datasets
Access Quick access Slightly higher latency
Data Backup Automatic backup for files Easier backup and recovery
Control Limited control Full control
Suitable for All data sets Large data sets

Both services offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, and as such, choosing the right one depends on your needs.

If your needs are limited to basic file storage, cloud storage can be the right choice. But, if you need greater data control, better data organization, and cost savings for large data sets, cloud object storage could be the perfect solution for you.


As you can see, cloud storage and cloud object storage have their own unique characteristics. Cloud object storage is better suited for larger data sets with better metadata management, while cloud storage is well-suited for basic file storage. Ultimately, the right choice will depend on your specific needs.

If you need more help in deciding which storage solution works best for you, feel free to contact our team!


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